Happy 4th of July! Let’s eat some ice cream. Sometimes there is nothing better than a good old fashioned ice cream sundae. But where do you get one? Sure, [more]
EAT MOBILE 2014 IS HAPPENING ON SUNDAY, APRIL 27TH AT OMSI. YOU CAN BUY TICKETS HERE. Sometimes Portland’s food cart scene is a little overwhelming. There are just [more]
Move over Saturday Market. The Flea is moving in. Somewhere on the Internet, a little bird told me that Portland has a new monthly flea market, so I decided to swing by this [more]
Summer is right on schedule! July 5th is when it starts here in Oregon, and it has me in the mood for lists. My favorite! So here is my summer bucket list… Time to get [more]
Unfortunately by the time anyone reads this… the annual Apple Tasting at Portland Nursery will be over. But put it on the calendar for next year! It’s a great [more]
Attention foodies! There is one excellent Portland publication I bet you are missing. It comes in that paper thing that used to arrive on your doorstep… you might [more]