Summer Bucket List

Summer is right on schedule! July 5th is when it starts here in Oregon, and it has me in the mood for lists. My favorite! So here is my summer bucket list… Time to get started I’ve only got a couple months before it’s back to raincoats and sweaters.

1) Eat a York peppermint party at the top of Mt. St. Helen’s.
This will actually be my third attempt at this goal. Three years ago I climbed Mt. St. Helen’s and made it to the top! I was so so so ready for that wintery blast of mint, but when I opened the bag… It was melted. Liquid chocolate mint goo. My second attempt I was ready, the patty frozen solid in ice… But this time we had to turn back. It started snowing, and as you can see from this photo, I was I’ll prepared. So this is my year. August 11th we climb. We’ll see what happens.

2) Make double cookie dough ice cream from Annie’s Eats.

This goal is simple. I just need to do it. What’s really holding me back is the calories, maybe I should make it for a “post-st. Helen’s” treat. Lord knows I’ll burn it off.

3) Buy and wear a maxi dress.

They just look so comfy and chic. I tried this one on at The Gap. Not exactly right, but I’ll find it.

4) Do the orienteering course on my tabor.

I really want to work on my map and compass skills and this is right in the middle of the city. Plus I can do it with my dog, Spike.

5) Try waterskiing again.
It’s time to conquer my fears. I’ve attempted water skiing 3 times before, each involving multiple face plants on the water. I think I can do it though, I’m a really good snow skiier.

6) Make homemade root beer

I’m actually a root beer brewer from way back.  Like 20 years back.  My dad and I would make it together when I was a kid.  I thought it was really fun and exciting since a couple times we had a fw bottles explode!   Well, now I want to try again, we even have the ingredients, just gotta make the time and do it.

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  1. Mt. St. Helens: The Patty | Kristi Does PDX: Adventures in Portland, OR

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