Articles by Kristi

Ed’s House of Gems

January 16, 2014 // 4 Comments

When I was a kids visiting my grandparents, I always loved to explore their basement.  It was a huge space full of boxes, a huge ping pong table, display cases and [more]

Tilt Burger

January 14, 2014 // 3 Comments

The other day I did a double take while on a little walk in the Pearl District.  Tilt  just oppened a new location!  They’ve been on my list for a while, but just [more]

The Artist’s Way: Week 1

January 12, 2014 // 2 Comments

I just finished week one and I’m feeling really good about it.  The theme was “Recovering a Sense of Safety”.  So I made some lists of people and events [more]


January 9, 2014 // 0 Comments

LIGHTBAR IS PERMANENTLY CLOSED.  TOO BAD. My quest to keep January from being a dark and dismal month continues with a trip to the Lightbar!  When you work 8-5, the [more]

Bingo At the Spare Room

January 7, 2014 // 0 Comments

January is dark.  Literally.  Everyone takes down their Christmas lights and the neighborhood goes dark.  It’s depressing.  No lights.  No people outside. I hate [more]

The Artists Way: Week 0

January 5, 2014 // 0 Comments

I love the feeling of a fresh start on New Years Day.  I get so hopeful and inspired.  What can I do to better myself, my home or my family?  Can I make this year better [more]

Merry Christmas

December 24, 2013 // 0 Comments

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you so much for reading over the last year and for all your kind words of support. This has been a tough year for me and my family, [more]

Multnomah Whiskey Library

December 19, 2013 // 4 Comments

All I can say about the Multnomah Whiskey Library except is that it’s really, really cool.  Possibly too cool for me, but they let me in the door anyway.  A few weeks [more]


December 17, 2013 // 7 Comments

So, I went to Iceland  a week ago.  It was a spontaneous trip as international travel goes.  I had extra vacation days to use, found a great airfare, and a friend who was [more]

Portland Care Package

December 12, 2013 // 0 Comments

Christmas is still weeks way but it’s already time to get your packages in the mail.  Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed with cookie and candy making, so for a few [more]
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