Ed’s House of Gems

When I was a kids visiting my grandparents, I always loved to explore their basement.  It was a huge space full of boxes, a huge ping pong table, display cases and  different passageways.  One of them was a rock room.  My grandfather’s big hobby was fishing, but he was also a rock hound.  He had a huge collection of arrowheads (from back when it was still legal to collect them) and a room full of agates, crystals and thundereggs.  My cousins and I loved looking around in that room, it was full of treasures and loud!   Have you ever heard a rock tumbler?

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My grandfather’s rock room is long gone, but this week I visited a place that reminds me of those days.  Ed’s House of Gems.  It’s on Sandy Road, at 77th.  I’ve driven by it hundreds of times, but I’ve never stopped in until this week when I decided to walk 20 blocks home rather than waiting for a bus.  And I’m so glad I did.  Just like my grandfather’s rock room, it’s full of treasures.

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The walls are lined with cases full of the real valuable pieces, carvings, polished rocks and fossils.  For people who are interested in rockhounding as a hobby, they sell tumblers and supplies along with some books on the best places to go searching around oregon and Washington.  And for the real dreamers, they have gold panning supplies, along with books with titles like “Panning & Prospecting for Fun & Profit”.

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It’s also a great place for jewlery makers, with small stones and crystals and settings for rings.  They also have some nice belt buckles and bolo ties if you’re into the kind of thing. I spend about 20 minutes looking around and checking everything out, some of the crystals were really calling to me, so I bought one!  Kind of a spontaneous purchase, but I’m happy about it.  I think it will look nice in my living room.

I hope more people will stop in to check Ed’s out. Let me know if you do!




4 Comments on Ed’s House of Gems

  1. Taylor Tisdel // February 4, 2014 at 12:28 pm //

    Hey there, I live in Bend, and was curious if you have quarts or colored quarts crystals? I make necklaces with metals and stones and would love to find more.
    Thanks so much! have a beautiful day!

  2. Hey Taylor, I don’t own the store, so I’m not exactly sure of the specifics, but I would imagine they do. You should check out their website or call first of course, Don’t make the long trip for nothing.

  3. I am looking for a small sheet of silver alloy ” plate” about 1 inchx 4 inches xabout 20 gauge
    For jewelry projects

  4. Ryan petty // January 11, 2017 at 8:54 am //

    Do you give istimates on rocks i have or tell me info on the rocks that i have or do you have color coeded book to match what i collect

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