Articles by Kristi
Crazy & Sad Week
It has been a crazy 7 days. At this time last week, I was getting ready for a totally random assignment at work, where I helped shoot a scene for the TV show “How I [more]
?Por Que No?
Wow. I basically spent the weekend on the couch. Or in a movie theater. Multiple football games, Zero Dark Thirty, Wreck It Ralph, topped off by the Simpson’s and [more]
St. Jack Pattisserie
Sometimes, there’s nothing better than a rainy day. That is, if you embrace it, rather than hate it. Some head to the movies, others to the bar, some stay in bed. I [more]
Vancouver Library
Dang! Watch out, Portland. You’re being stomped by Vancouver’s Library. I admit, I’m one of those Portlanders who, in the past, has occasionally looked [more]
Project: Amaretto
Happy New Years! Ready for some more booze? I know, I know we’ve all sworn off booze, chocolate, cookies, cakes and candy for the rest of 2013 and we are going to be [more]
Project: Croissants
Last change for fat and delicious pastries before the New Year diet season! Croissants are a perfect project for lounging around the house on the last weekend of 2012. [more]