Ohh man. Superbowl. Up until five years ago, I couldn’t care less about football. Especially the NFL. Then I realized that the man in my life, was the real deal. [more]
It has been a crazy 7 days. At this time last week, I was getting ready for a totally random assignment at work, where I helped shoot a scene for the TV show “How I [more]
I’m totally a goal person. I make goals for everything, each day, week and month and, of course, the year. It’s important to me that these are goals, not [more]
Happy New Years! Ready for some more booze? I know, I know we’ve all sworn off booze, chocolate, cookies, cakes and candy for the rest of 2013 and we are going to be [more]
Last change for fat and delicious pastries before the New Year diet season! Croissants are a perfect project for lounging around the house on the last weekend of 2012. [more]
When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things – not the great occasions – give off the greatest glow of happiness.- Bob Hope Wishing you [more]
We just finished. 12 pounds of sugar and 5 pounds of butter later… Jacob and I just finished our annual Christmas baking spree. A couple years before we got married, [more]
If you’re putting off doing real work, how do you procrastinate? I think some people watch tv or play video games. I bake. And that’s where these cookies come [more]
I’ve been working on my summer bucket list. I bought a Maxi Dress. I’ll post some photos later. I just got back from climbing Mt. St. Helen’s where I made [more]
Summer is right on schedule! July 5th is when it starts here in Oregon, and it has me in the mood for lists. My favorite! So here is my summer bucket list… Time to get [more]