I love the feeling of a fresh start on New Years Day. I get so hopeful and inspired. What can I do to better myself, my home or my family? Can I make this year better [more]
This weekend I convinced Jacob to drive all the way across town for breakfast at a little place called Verde Cocina in Hillsdale. I had recently driven past during my [more]
Have you seen these? A collection of 4 new sculptures were just installed in Northwest Portland. Collectively, they are called “Nepenthes” named and styled [more]
Are you under 30? Are you a student? If you answered yes to either, get yourself over to Portland Center Stage and buy some tickets! Season tickets, that’s 9 plays [more]
Ok. I have been guilty for a a long time, years in fact, of judging. For some reason, I assumed that this fantastic store, that looks so exciting and full of life from [more]