Feast on a Budget
Considering going to Feast Portland this year? Here are my suggestions for getting the most for your money.
Feast Portland is coming up. I’m going again this year and I’m starting to get super excited. It’s just a few weeks away! This event has really taken off in the last few years and for good reason, everything from the organization to the chefs to the locations are top notch. It’s so popular that right now, pretty much everything is sold out! This is even more impressive considering tickets for most of the events are $100+. But the good news is, there are a few events left and they are the ones I’d suggest for any first time Feaster or someone on a budget.
The biggest surprise for me last year were the Drink Tank events. I went to one and loved it so much, I went to three more! These are the cheapest events at the festival ($35-55) and they include alcohol and snacks. I found them to be the biggest bang for your buck as far as eduction goes. I learned a lot at all the events. I attended one on Margaritas last year and ended up drinking 4 cocktails. (Good thing that was the end of the day!) This year I am really interested in the Washington Wines and Apertif panels. There are still tickets available for both along with a few others.
There are also tickets available for Grand Tasting, where you get to sample tons of local beers, wines, food, snacks and treats. It is in Pioneer Courthouse Square and being in the heart of the city makes it feel like the heart of the festival. I highly recommend staying for the full time so you can maximize your eating and drinking. As of this posting (September 2nd) there are still tickets available to the Friday event ($60) but Saturday is sold out. (September 11th: SOLD OUT)
So, for about $100 (Drink Tank & Grand Tasting) you can still have a great time at Feast. But buy tickets NOW I highly doubt they will be around for long. And check back here for more on Feast throughout September.
{Disclosure: I received a blogger pass that included two tickets and special access to events in exchange for blog and social media coverage, but all opinions are my own.}
SEPTEMBER 15-18, 2016
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