Brunch @ North Light

Brunch at a little restaurant on N. Mississippi called North Light that gives comfort food a unique twist.


This weekend I was invited to a Blogger Brunch at a new-ish restaurant on N. Mississippi called North Light.  The lovely ladies over at Little Green Pickle invited me and I had a blast meeting some new people and hearing about their projects.  Two of the bloggers are writing books!  So impressive.  One bonus at events like this, is that photos are allowed and encouraged.  Bringing out your big SLR is totally fine, so I was able to get some great shots of their beautiful food.

North Light 1

North Light 2

North Light 12

And speaking of food, there was a LOT of it.  They went a little overboard on the tasting menu because I couldn’t not eat it all.  Everyone always reminds me that I’m eating for two, but I’d like to remind you that the second person is taking up a LOT of room in my tummy, making  it much harder to pig out!  But onto the food.  We started off with some pastries, crumpets and cocktails.  They make all their pastries and breads in house, so they are so fresh and delicious.  The crumpet was served with a fantastic apple butter.  I loved it so much I ate the whole thing, which was probably a bad idea, but I had no idea how much more was headed my way.

North Light 3

North Light 4

North Light 6

After pastries, the small plates started arriving, starting with a Gingerbread Pancake.  This may have been my favorite thing on the menu.  It was spiced so perfectly and served with some apples and syrup.  Next was Chicken Fried Buffalo, yes, buffalo!  A buffalo strip steak fried up, and topped with gravy.  The breading was crispy without being too greasy and the meat was nice and soft.  The next plate was eggs benedict, with bacon and tomato.  It was a perfectly fine dish, but paled next to some of the other options.

North Light 7

North Light 5

The next dish was one of the most impressive looking dishes, a stuffed french toast with ham, pear and cheese inside.  At this point I was a little overwhelmed with the number of dishes (and we’re only half way) on the table so I didn’t hear the message about putting syrup on the french toast.  I should have known, but I just didn’t think of it, so I ended up not liking the dish because it was dry.  Oops.  I bet it would be great if I could listen to instructions.

North Light 8

North Light 9

Finally the “plates to share” started arriving.  There were a couple scrambles, the tofu one was really good.  I always enjoy tofu in restaurants because I usually screw it up when trying to cooking at home. There was also a frittata that came in a red curry sauce and a veggie hash topped with poached eggs.  But to top off the entire meal, they brought out a very impressive bacon wrapped meatloaf, stuffed with a hard boiled egg.  It was like a giant scotch egg.  So cool.

North Light 10

Thanks again to the folks at Little Green Pickle and North Light for inviting me.  If you want to go check it out yourself, they are open for dinner and weekend brunch.


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