The Artist’s Way: Week 9

Week 9.  I can’t believe it’s already over.  It has been a challenging one for me.  As for the usual Morning Pages and Artist’s Date, I did them.  This week, I took some time for one of my favorite hobbies, baking!  After years of subscriptions to cooking magazines I’m on a bit of a magazine diet.  But I decided to indulge this week and bought the latest issue of Cook’s Illustrated.  It was such a treat to take an hour to relax on the couch and read it, then of course I had to cook something.  So I made a batch of Lemon Pudding Cakes.  It’s kind of a complicated recipe, but that’s oky, I like complicated recipes..  I didn’t think they turned out that well, but they were gone by the next morning, so I must have done something right.

artists way week 9 a

But the real challenge of the week was reviewing my morning pages.  The exercise was to go back to the beginning and reread all your pages, which up until now has been a big “no no”.  This was a big project!  I’ve written more than 200 pages over the last two months.  So it took me most of the week to get through it all.  I highlighted “insights” and things that “need action”.  It was a good reminder of some of the emotional things I’ve worked through over the last two months, accomplishments and I realized there are some issues I’ve been writing about since the beginning that I STILL have not solved.  One of them is silly, it’s cleaning my basement.  I’ve realized I’m really hung up on this.  I’ve been writing about my desire to get the basement organized for two months!  What the heck?  Either I need to do it or figure out why it’s bothering me so much.

Week 10 begins now: Recovering a Sense of Self Protection.  I’ll be searching out the toxic patterns in my life that block me creatively.

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