The Artist’s Way: Week 11
Week 11 is complete. This week stands out because it included one of the best Artist’s Date’s I’ve done during the entire program. I made a 15 second stop motion animation using my iPhone and things I found in my craft room. The backgrounds were from an old book I’ve been saving for collages and I just happened to have a collection of plastic toys laying around. I did the whole project, created the story, sets, props and shooting, in about 90 minutes. It was truly play. The most creative I’ve been in a long time. It felt liberating.
I also did a number of the exercises in the book. My favorite was the Creativity Journal. (You use a lot of journals doing the Artist’s Way). Where I listed my creative wishes. This is an opportunity to really dream. What do you really wish you could do, own, and experience? Not just now, but over your entire life. It’s kind of crazy, how adults are rarely asked to dream. As kids, we are constantly asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Which is essentially asking “what do you dream about?” But as adults that question is never asked. To dream is often viewed as foolish or a waste of time. So this exercise was fun and challenging because it really made me think about who I really am, what I really want and how I’d like to live my life.
[vimeo video_id=”90191669″ width=”300″ height=”300″ title=”No” byline=”No” portrait=”Yes” autoplay=”Yes” loop=”Yes” color=”00adef”]
On to Week 12. The LAST WEEK! Recovering a Sense of Faith. I’ll be looking into the spiritual heart of creativity and setting goals for the future.
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