Seattle Scavenger Hunt
Over Labor Day weekend we took a trip up to Seattle for the Legendary Union of Emmi and Mike. As part of the festivities, they set up a scavenger hunt. Here are our results. By my count we scored 15 out of 40. Which sounds kind of crappy, now that I write it.
Hug a hipster
Dude dressed in seriously unfashionable ladies clothing
A Handlebar mustache
Three contestants for “homeless or hipster?”
People in some historical period costume
Someone throwing up at earl’s
The wall of death
Pick the troll’s nose
Flip off a “ride the ducks!” boat (Josh did it twice!)
Airborne fish at pike market
The first starbucks
A drink overlooking the water
Oyster happy hour at Elliot bay oyster house
Hug a hipster
People fighting in the line for dick’s
An offensive flyer
Ostentatious recycling
Socks under Birkenstocks (no points if it’s Jim Bane)
A software developer (No prizes for Mike)
Two completely incongruous Protest signs next to each other (hint: pacific place)
Commuter using a unicycle
Put some gum on the gum wall (YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TOUCH THE WALL.)
Use a periscope
Pose with Lenin
Go to “a beach.”
A brochure map of the arboretum
Hang from a rafter at gasworks park
Yoga pants with suit jacket
Coasters from microbreweries
A picture from the top of the ferris wheel
the smallest coffee
Two starbucks located within sight of one another
Three starbucks located within sight of each other
“Free Hugs”
A Farmer’s Market
A Floating Farmer’s Market
A snapshot from a kayak
Eating at a food cart
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