Kentucky Derby @ Portland Meadows

The Kentucky Derby is Saturday 3rd, 2014. Don’t miss the party at Portland Meadows you can bet on the races, drink and wear fantastic hats.

I am sure that the real Kentucky Derby is amazing, but the party Derby Party at Portland Meadows, is a strong second.  Wow, talk about a great afternoon.  And admission is FREE!

portland meadows exterior

meadows backside

meadows trumpet

The party and live racing starts pretty early in the morning, around 10am, we didn’t get there until nearly 1pm, and were still  able to see 5 races.  There are a lot of people there, but we were always able to get right up to the fence to watch.  You could hear the jockeys, and the pounding of the hoofs, really pretty exhilarating.


The racing went through the afternoon.  We bet on horses and had some drinks.

meadows julip

While I had a couple Mint Juleps ($5.25), most everyone else was drinking beer, which was an amazing deal.  I don’t know about you, but at events like this I expect beer will be at least $5, maybe even $10.  But not at Portland Meadows, Bud Light and Rolling Rock were $2.75, and their Micro beer Garden…. $3!!!  At those prices we all drank a little too much, but that’s probably what they had in mind.

meadows the gang

This is my team looking very cool, and most everyone at the party looked great.  They had a hat contest which we tried to enter, but none of us made it to the finals.  Although non of us ate any food, but it all looked great; along with the usual pizza and burgers, there were pulled pork sandwiches and the Burgerville Nomad.

Eventually things started to get out of hand, so I’ll end it here.  But next May, check the Portland Meadows website, and watch for ads in the Willamette Week and Portland Mercury.



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  1. Live Racing @ Portland Meadows | Kristi Does PDX

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