Super Bowl

Wheeewww…. Super Bowl is over.  Our team won!  We went to a great party with most of the other people in our fantasy football league.  I came in second place in our prop betting pool.  (Thank god for the safety and Beyonce’s curly hair.)  We ate a dish our friend, Cam, made called “The Bacon Explosion”, along with baked potatoes, chili, and some seven layer dip.  Zero The Dog stole someone’s seat and Grimmy The Pug, did not bite anyone (Although I think he might have bitten my camera if I’d taken one more photo.)

While I love the lazy days of football, I’m pretty excited to get Sundays back.  There are just too many adventures to be had and too many projects to do, to spend any more weekends in front of the TV.  That is until next fall, when I’m so sick of being busy every hour of every weekend all summer that I happily start the cycle all over again.  But before that happens,  I fully intend to do more hiking and more art.

So here’s to the future and Go Ravens!

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