Sunday Parkways
Wow. I’m still recovering from this weekend. I guess the busy summer season is already kicking into high gear. So much to do, so much fun to be had, but so few precious hours in the day. Saturday it was the the Hollywood Farmers Market and Crafty Wonderland (I bought a flower vase, a cool glass necklace and a scarf). Sunday, we did Mothers Day brunch at the Rheinlander (They offer a great all-you-can eat buffet. If you like German food, remember it for next year.) followed by an afternoon cruising at Sunday Parkways.
It is one of my favorite events of the summer. It’s not debauched like a beer festival, or crowded like the Rose Festival, this one is just… nice. One Sunday a month, they close down a 7-8 mile loop of roadways to cars and open it up to the community. There are tons of bikes and people walking dogs. I’ve even seen some girls do it on roller skates. This weekend, I saw three old men cruise by on Segways. I’ve always thought this would be a great idea for runners training for a race, an 8-mile loop closed to traffic!. (Hint. Hint. All you Hood To Coasters).
Each month it’s in a different neighborhood. This time it was deep southeast in the Lents neighborhood. Next month it’s in Northeast. Check out the schedule here. The August Parkway should be really great with a ride up and down Mt. Tabor.
I started a little late in the day, and the rain was threatening to start, so the streets were a little empty by the time I got there. But it was still a great ride. We crossed I-205, cruising through the neighborhood from park to park. Each stop has activities and food carts, plus activists campaigning for ballot measures and bike repair stations. Every major intersection is controlled by police, so you can be sure it’s safe to cross. The highlight for me was the ride down the Springwater Trail. I don’t get to this part of the town often so it was good reminder of how beautiful that area can be.
The next event is June 23rd. It’s an 8-mile loop through NE Portland. Even if you don’t live there, it’s a great chance to go explore a new neighborhood and see parts of the city you don’t visit in your everyday life.
So, if you want a nice way to spend a summer day, load up your bikes, grab some cash (for all the food carts along the way) and enjoy the ride.
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