Backwoods Brewing

I took an adventure day this week and headed into the Columbia River Gorge.  The magical thing about the Gorge is there is just so much to see and do.  The hiking options never end, the view points are plentiful and in the last few years the breweries have become plentiful too.  On this trip we stopped in at Backwoods Brewing in the little town of Carson, Washington.  

Backwoods Brewing kegs

It is off the main highway, but only a mile or so in the little town of Carson, Washington.  You’ll see the signs pretty much as soon as you turn off highway 14, leading you to the brewery behind the Carson General Store.  You have to drive to the back of the building but you should see the piles of kegs right away. Inside is a beautiful restaurant and bar with lots of beautiful woodwork.  (Can you spot my little one making a run for it in the photo??)


Backwoods Brewing restaurant

We tasted a few things and settled on the Double IPA and Logyard IPA, which IMO is one of the best IPAs I’ve had in the last year.  Up to this point my favorite has been Boneyard’s IPA, but I REALLY liked this one.   It had some refreshing grapefruit and pineapple notes without being juicy.   Honestly, I was so impressed with the beer I would have liked to stay a try lots more but I had to drive.  But I did buy a 6-pack to take home for $9.  

Backwoods Sandwich

Backwoods Pretzel

The food was good.  I’m always a sucker for a pretzel so I got that to share with the baby.  Emmi, my fearless adventure companion, had a delicious sandwich.  But it looks like the focus of their menu is pizza, so I would probably try that next time.  They also serve giant cupcakes.  I ordered one and ate it before I could take a photo (oops!).

If you are hiking Dog Mountain or Fall Creek Falls I would definitely keep this place in mind.  It is also a very short distance from the crazy Carson Hotsprings, a 100-year old bathhouse that makes you feel like you’ve traveled back in time.  But a beer at Backwoods would be the perfect way to cap off any any adventure in the gorge.  And for all the parents out there, yes, kids are welcome.  Happy trails!

M-F 3-9PM, SAT-SUN 11:30AM-9PM

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